The Europass European curriculum vitae is a standard created by the European Union for compiling standard CVs for the whole of Europe.

The European format for the curriculum and essay vitae fits within the Europass project was designed to prevent different countries belonging to the European Union from adopting different criteria for compiling and evaluating CVs, and about how to buy a resume online, and in order to allow greater mobility within the Union.

All elements included in Europass

  • Curriculum Vitae: to present your skills (continue reading our guide);
  • Language Passport: to self-assess one’s linguistic knowledge;
  • Europass mobility: to record the skills acquired in another European country;
  • Certificate Supplement: to record the skills of those who hold VET certificates;
  • Diploma Supplement: to register the skills of those with higher education qualifications.

European curriculum vitae: criticism and appreciation

Since its inception, Europass has been the subject of criticism and today there are few countries where it is still used, with Italy leading the countries where it is still heavily used.

European CV: criticism of the format

The major criticism addressed to the European format of c Curriculum vitae is linked to the fact that, according to the recruiters and also the candidates, it is such an impersonal model that it cannot convey the real value of the candidates for a given position.

It is made up of sections standard to be filled in a standard way, it is designed to be formatted by all candidates in the same way and leaves no room for the insertion of unexpected elements.

European CV: the perfect standard for recruiters?

The characteristics highlighted above are instead appreciated by those who argue that a curriculum vitae drawn up according to European guidelines guarantees fair treatment and does not create disparities between candidates, evaluated only and exclusively for the skills and elements present in the document and that are the same, in terms of graphics and presentation, for all.

To use or not to use the European Europass curriculum vitae?

To use or not to use the European Europass curriculum vitae is purely a matter subjective but, at the same time, it is also linked to the type of image you want to give of yourself and, consequently, to the type of job position for which you are applying.

  • For institutional positions or positions in public-private management bodies, Europass is formally required to be admitted to the selections and therefore it is not possible to avoid it.
  • For other types of positions and for more creative jobs, for and for example in online marketing or advertising, a personalized and less institutional curriculum vitae could be the best solution to break through the minds of recruiters.

There is therefore no univocal answer to the above question but there are different situations within which to make a decision that is consistent with your professional profile and with the job position for which you are facing the selection.

European Curriculum Vitae Compilation Guide

The European CV is made up of several parts, which must be completed carefully and specifically.

Whether you opt for the European curriculum vitae or if you decide to opt for another format, here are the useful indications for filling out the Europass, to keep in mind also when filling out other types of CV, to avoid forgetting information that is fundamental.

1 – Personal information

The personal information requested by Europass are basic: name, home address, telephone number and e-mail address, with the addition of links to some online services and the link to your personal website.

It is then expressly requested to enter the position for which you are applying which, however, can also be understood as a position held or desired occupation in the event that the document is produced to be sent to different companies / entities. You are given the opportunity to insert your photo, but evaluating if and when it is really appropriate to do so.

2 – Professional experiences

Of particular importance the section dedicated to professional experiences that can be inserted before or after school training, but it would be better to always insert first since it is the element read most carefully by recruiters during the recruiting phase.

2.2 In addition to basic information on the position held and the dates, additional information relating specifically to your employer can also be added which, once entered on the CV, can be contacted for the request for references.

The specific information on the work carried out and the results achieved cannot be excessively detailed, to avoid that the CV is excessively long and therefore not very attractive.

3 – School education astica

The first thing to do when talking about school training in the European CV is to insert the dates relating to the time spent attending a course or an institute, the educational qualification or qualification must then be added immediately, followed by the specific names of the institutions at which one was trained.

In this part of the European CV, the EQF classification (European Qualifications Framework) must then be followed, which determines the level of studies of the candidate according to a standard classification adopted throughout Europe.

Finally, the main skills acquired during the course of study.

4 – Personal skills

The section dedicated to personal skills includes all specific skills, including languages , organizational / managerial skills, communication skills, digital skills and so on. In this section of the European CV it is good not to exaggerate and declare the actual level of knowledge and competence.

5 – Further information and attachments

To conclude the European Europass CV model a section containing information on certifications, any publications, specific references to be included in order to obtain more credit in the first selection phase. You can also list documents attached to the application, but only on condition that they are significant documents for the application in question.

How to send your CV in European format

As with all other types of CVs, Europass too should preferably be sent in PDF format unless the recruiter expressly requests that it be sent in Word format.

European Europass Curriculum Vitae in a foreign language

If you are applying for a job position abroad, the first thing you need to do is check whether the Europass is an accepted and acceptable model in that particular market, even outside the institutional sphere.

If you opt for its use, remember to adapt the date format to that of the country where you are applying (for the English market, for example, you will have to use the format Month / Day / Year and not the ‘Italian Day / Month / Year) and to eliminate any reference to unknown national laws abroad (for example the processing of personal data).